A program that attaches itself to a file on a computer and then spreads from one computer to another is called a Virus. A virus can damage your data or cause your computer to malfunction. They are activated on a certain date so some viruses go undetected.
How to protect your computer from viruses?
- Check files and programs that are on diskettes, attached to emails or downloaded from the internet by using your antivirus program.
- Install programs after checking them for viruses.
- Use Microsoft Word and Excel after disabling macros on suspicious files. If you open a document that contains macros that has a virus in it then these programs will warn you.
- Help spot: Double-Click on the help spot icon on your desktop for more information on how to protect your computer from viruses.
How to scan for Virus?
i. Click Start.
ii. Select programs.
iii. Then select the antivirus program installed on your computer.
iv. after the program opens.
v. Select Scan For Virus. Click Run Scan Now.
(You can also select the type of scan from the scan area.)
How to Remove a Virus?
i. Find the virus using your antivirus program.
ii. Then remove the virus from your computer.
iii. Turn off your computer for a few minutes.
iv. Rescan for the virus as soon as your turn on your computer.
Important: For fighting against the latest virus you should often upgrade your antivirus program.
How to Update your Anti-virus Program?
i. Click Start.
ii. Select Programs.
iii. Then select the anti-virus program installed on your computer.
iv. Follow the on screen instructions to upgrade the anti-virus program.
v. Click Finish when the program has completed the upgrading.