The coming of a New Year is a time to reminisce over the events of the past year and plan for the coming year. Each year we make a New Year’s resolution but each year they are forgotten about within the first month. So why are we wasting time with New Year’s resolutions if we are only going to break them? How are we preparing for New Year’s resolutions that we can keep up with?
Set a Realistic Goal
Most resolutions are broken because we set an unrealistic goal. If your goal is to stop eating chocolate it would be more prudent to set a goal of limiting the amount of chocolate you eat rather than eliminating a favorite sweet from your life altogether.
Make it Measurable
Making a measurable resolution will help your to be more successful at keeping them. If your resolution is to cut back on eating chocolate then a measurable goal would be allowing yourself one serving of chocolate a day then gradually reducing the amount to one every other day until you reach your final goal of perhaps eating only one chocolate a week. Preparing milestones for your New Year’s Resolutions will help your chances of keeping your resolution.
Create Milestones and Reward Your Achievements
To help keep your resolution set milestones. For example, using the chocolate example at the end of the first week if you limited your chocolate consumption to your one a day goal then allow yourself an extra treat at the end of the week. At the end of the month go on a quick shopping trip to buy something new if you managed to keep your goal for a month and continue this till you have successful incorporated your resolution into your daily life.
In conclusion, most New Year’s resolutions fail because the goals are not realistic, measurable and there are no milestones to help reward your progress. By following these basic steps you will be successful in whatever your New Year’s resolution may be. Now get to it!
TNW had a piece last year regarding the best apps one could use to monitor and track their resolutions. Check it out here.
OMA Comp has always been proactive in advancing one’s abilities. Whether it’s our own or our clients, we want to be better next year and the year after that. With that constant goal in mind, you can’t go wrong in whatever your ventures may be.